Roof Tips For Homebuyers

If you are thinking about buying a home one area of inspection you do not want to bypass is the roof. Even though your home inspector will assess the roof, having a local roofer do their own inspection could save you money and hassle down the line.

Don’t Cut Corners

The price for a roof inspection is hands down cheaper than the cost of roof replacement. If you are looking at a home to purchase be sure you hire a professional roofer to inspect the home before you put in an offer. Here is why:

  • A roofer can identify areas of potential risk more so than a general home inspector. It isn’t just about obvious signs of damage, but also the potential for maintenance in the long run. Remember that the life of the roof is generally between 10 and 20 years, but any roof that has suffered prior damage or been poorly repaired could reduce the life of the roof.
  • A roofer can give you their honest opinion as to the quality and integrity of the roof, whereas a general inspector must only report the facts.  The roofer you choose to perform the inspection will not only report the facts, but provide you with their expertise in terms of roofing codes and quality of the materials used.
  • A roofer is also trained to identify common roof problems associated with particular neighborhoods or regions. For instance, some homes are more likely to suffer challenges with severe weather; which could ultimately affect the durability of the roof. A professional inspection could reveal roof materials unsuitable for the particular area you are looking to purchase.

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