The Right Roof Material For Your Climate

roof materialsThese days roof materials come in nearly every style, color and make. The variety makes for a range of options for homeowners, but also tough decisions. Many people simply don’t know the different benefits of certain roofing products or which would be best for their home. In fact, choosing the right roof material depends a lot on the climate in which you live.

The Right Stuff

Asphalt shingles–as the most common roof material, most people assume it is also the superior product for roofs. The benefit to asphalt shingles is that they are the most versatile and are adequate for use in any climate. However, they are the easiest to damage. Windy climates are better off avoiding them to prevent increased need for maintenance, as well as extremely hot climates to prevent fading and chipping.

Metal— is becoming a more popular roof product that offers increased durability and a longer life span than asphalt shingles. It is great for climates that experience weather extremes, and is especially good in winter climates. Metal roofs also offer better recycled product options, which can help reduce the cost of installing a new roof. The drawback to metal is its ability to be dented, which makes it a poor roof choice for areas that are prone to hail storms.

Slate and Tile— are both favored because of their aesthetic appeal. Many people enjoy the upgraded look of a slate or tile roof. Both are great for moderate to hot climates, as they can absorb the heat and keep the interior of a home cool. However, both are not well suited for climates that receive a lot of snow. Slate and tile are heavier roof products and cannot hold up well under the added weight of snow.



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