Creek Gets Acrylic Roofing Runoff

Approximately 25 gallons of white roofing material spilled into the Matadero Creek in Palo Alto California during Saturday‘s rain storm.

Residents called 911 when they noticed the milky paint like substance in the creek. Firefighters tracked the spill to a building leased to Xerox/VMware on Hillview Ave.

Acrylic elastomeric roofing material runoff from two roofs entered the downspouts from the buildings that connect to the city system and then on to an outlet on Matadero creek. The property owner and the contractor are working to block any additional drainage.

Titanium oxide and a drying agent were applied Friday and Saturday to two separate buildings by Platinum Roofing Inc. of San Jose. The roofing material did not have a chance to dry before the rain storm hit Saturday. The contractor stated that lower level of accelerant added to the product and lower then expected outside temperatures is why the roofing material failed to cure.

The creek remains cloudy; most of the milky substance has cleared. There is still some pooling of the material in the catch basins. Although the substance is not known to be harmful, officials are hoping there will be minimal toxicity to the creeks inhabitants.

Fire department and city environmental officials are still investigating and determining what type of codes and fines will be enforced. The company will more than likely receive a fine, the penalties can run up to $10,000.

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