Waxahachie Civic Center Roof Repair

Waxahachie City Council in Waxahachie Texas has approved a contract with Exterior consulting Innovations for roof repair for the civic center on Civic Center Lane. ECI contract is for $66,955 to prepare bid documents and select a contractor to recommend to the council. The roofing project will be to fix the failed repairs, shoddy workmanship, cracks and nearly 50 different leaks found.

City manager Paul Stevens said “The issues at the civic center are much more extensive than originally thought. The roof problems appear to be a result of both poor initial design and installation. While the work in 2007 may have addressed some of these issues it by no means went far enough. The estimate for the roof repairs is about $1,675,122. This would include re-roofing and also placing a recovery roof on the main barrel roof and all other metal roofs. Additionally, all gutters and flashings would either be replaced or re-worked.”

Recovery Roof System

The recovery roof is a system of metal panels with insulation in between the panels. The current roof would not need to be removed and the additional weight would not cause any structural issues. Other options besides the recovery roof was to use a coating system applied to the roof to make it water tight. This option was not recommended due to the maintenance involved and life of the roof.

Board President John Sanders said “As a board we were obviously shocked as well when the first report came in and we saw the severity of the issues. Clearly we knew that there were many, many leaks that they were getting worse and were impacting events. All the initial discussions centered around repairs and none of us had an idea that the budget would be to this extent. We have capital dollars set aside from the last election to use for these repairs. We had several other projects in mind that the board was considering, but we also knew we had to fix the roof first.”

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