Roof Saved For Future Use

The Victoria rail station was demolished last week after the roof was hoisted off with a crane to be stored and used for a later project. The station was near the east entrance to the Johnson Street Bridge and had not been used since mid-2011.

The bridge is going through a replacement project with a new bridge being built slightly north of the existing bridge.

Although having a historic look, the passenger railway station and ticket office was built in 1985 with its peaked cedar roof. The roof is 15 meters long and 4.2 meters tall with bricks lining the exterior walls.

Roof Moved At Night to Avoid Traffic

Taking several days, a contractor dismantled the brick building and a crane removed the steeply-sloped roof. The roof was then transported by truck to Ogden Point. B.C. Hydro lifted some power lines along the route to ensure safety.

The Greater Victoria Harbour Authority took on the cost of relocating and rebuilding the structure, paying for the salvaged roof and cleaned up the construction debris. Hoping to use it for a new building, the roof will be stored at Ogden Point.

Harbour authority CEO Curtis Grad said “We thought it was a very iconic structure and we wanted to see it saved in Victoria. We’re very pleased to be selected by the City of Victoria to take care of this city asset.”

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